BlueFusion by BlueLight LLC & Qtis
You can now bring federated searches seamlessly into Qtis. BlueLight LLC and Zinatt have partnered to help law enforcement agencies bring their critical data points together easier with a click of a button. Check out the Webinar if you haven’t already. URL:
i2 Analyst Notebook by IBM & Qtis
If you use i2 Analyst Notebook as your data analytics tool you can just as easily use both to analyze your data. Qtis and i2 have built the i2 connector which allows our Qtis users to bring data results back to Qtis.
Kloojj by Kloojj Inc & Qtis
You can now clip and notate video content and store it in Qtis. Ask for a FREE live Demo of these two products working together.
GMAIL Integration – COMING SOON!