The best referral we could possibly ask for is the testimonial from an end user perspective. We are happy to share any of our letters of recommendation and of course provide contacts for those who have used our product.
Drug Task Force Testimonial
“After using this program that Zinatt Technologies developed, I can safely say that after 40 years in Law Enforcement and sitting in on many wires for Federal, State and Local intercepts, that I have finally found a program that will do and collect what I need and is in the format that can be used for future collections of data.”
Wesley N. (Georgia)
Ocmulgee Drug Task Force Commander
I met one of the founders of the company in September 2018, Mr. Gabriel Reina, and tested their then basic program. I spoke to them about the frustrations of being a long-term Narcotics Investigation Agent and not being able to afford some of the more high end wire-tap/investigation programs on the market and that they were not user friendly. The program they had then was most definitely user friendly and made sense from a logical, investigative standpoint. I have worked as a law enforcement officer for almost 35 years, the last 22 ½ as a Narcotics Officer for the Central Ohio Drug Enforcement Task Force in Licking County Ohio. Our task force was a multi county drug task force and I have worked local, State and Federal investigations throughout the years. They built a system made to solve problems and I know you will like Qtis!
George R. (Ohio)
Retired Narcotics Detective
Drug Diversion Testimonial
I am a retired Supervisory Diversion Investigator formerly with the Drug Enforcement Admnistration (DEA). During my career as an investigator with DEA, my counterparts and I utilized Excel spreadsheets for most of our criminal case data, most of which pertained to prescription information. That information was either obtained from various pharmacies in the old days whereby we would travel to the various pharmacies and obtain printouts from the individual store locations. That information was then entered into a spreadsheet. Eventually the Prescription Monitoring Program came into being and the information was obtained electronically from the State Pharmacy Board. Alas, the information was still entered into spreadsheets for use in our cases.
Qtis would have permitted us to download the information from the PDMP and into Qtis whereby we would have saved countless hours of data entry that could have been better utilized actually investigating! Qtis would also have permitted other members of my investigative squad to work on various aspects of the case at the same time I was as opposed to one person being n a spreadsheet at a time. Often we would copy a spreadsheet on thumb drives in order to permit access to the information by more than one investigator at a time. Very old school and really not conducive to a coherent investigation. Utilizing Qtis and the various forms available in the program would necessarily promote better case investigations and management as well as providing one-stop shopping for all the information and data generated in an investigation. Suffice it to say, I would have done just about anything to have had this program available while working my pharmaceutical investigations!
David W. (Arizona)
DEA Supervisory Diversion Investigator (Retired) 1999 – 2017
Analytical Linguist Testimonial
I worked for over 5 years as an Analytical Linguist in the wireroom collecting real-time investigation data by daily using various methods of creating tables in spreadsheets (trackers, pin numbers, word use, account numbers, zip codes, etc.), lengthy word documents, posting pertinent messages on whiteboards and the use of yellow sticky notes which was a disaster waiting to happen when sticky notes went missing, spreadsheets accidentally shredded and whiteboards erased, not to mention the overload of saving documents on multiple folders and USBs.
In knowing what QTIS can do in the investigation field, I can attest that QTIS has all the necessary tools in one place to fully equip an Analytical Linguist to produce volume data at a higher pace without getting behind on duties in creating spreadsheets or documents, opening other programs, plus the advantage in making the team more effective in quickly gathering and delivering real-time concise data and being able to dissect the analytics and analysis of any language is exactly what QTIS delivers.
QTIS solves problems, even the problems from the past.
Analytical Linguist